" Salath Ul Isteqara "
When a person intends doing something, he should seek advice from
Allah Ta'ala. This seeking of advice is called istikhaarah (asking for proper
guidance from Allah Ta'ala). This has been greatly recommended in the Hadith.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: "Not seeking advice and
proper guidance from Allah Ta'ala is a great misfortune and cause of bad
luck." If a person intends sending a proposal somewhere, marrying someone,
travelling somewhere or intends doing anything else, and he does not do these
things without making istikhaarah, then Insha Allah he will not regret doing
what he did.
The method of offering istikhaarah salaat is as follows: first two
rakaats of nafil salaat should be offered. Thereafter, the dua should be made
with full concentration
He should think of the thing for which he is making istikhaarah.
Thereafter, he should sleep on a pure and clean bed with his face towards the
qiblah in a state of wudu. Once he wakes up from his sleep, then whatever comes
out strongly in his mind will be best for him. He should act according to that
which comes to his mind.
If he has not made up his mind after the first day, and some doubt
still persists, he should do the same the following day. In this way, he could
continue doing this for seven days. Insha Allah, he will come to know of the
advantage or disadvantage of that matter.
If a person intends going for hajj, he should not make istikhaarah as to
whether he should go or not. Instead, he should make istikhaarah to decide as
to whether he should go on a particular day or not.
" Isteqara Dua "
When someone is in a dilemma, or has to make a very important
decision, one ought to pray two rak'aat of nafl salah, and ask for the Guidance
of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala by supplicating in the following manner:
Allaahum-ma in-nee ustakheeruka bi'ilmika
wa ustaqdiruka bi qudratika wa us`aluka min fadlikal 'azeem. Fa`in-naka taqdiru
wa laa aqdiru wa ta'lamu wa laa a'lamu wa anta 'al-lamul ghuyoob. Allaahum-ma
inkunta ta'lamu in-na haadhal amra khairul-lee wa deenee wa ma'aashee wa
'aaqibati amree ao'aajili amree wa`aajilihee faqdirhu lee wa yass-sirhu lee
thum-ma baarik lee feehi. Wa inkunta ta'lamu an-na haadhal amra shar-rul-lee
fee deenee wa ma'aashee wa'aaqibati amree. Ao'aajili amree wa aajilihee
fasrifhu 'an-nee wa usrifnee 'anhu wa aqdirlil khaira haithu kaana
thum-mardinee bihee.
O Allah, I ask You to show me what is best, through Your
knowledge, and I ask You to empower me, through Your Power, and I beg You to
grant me Your tremendous Favor, for You have Power, while I am without power,
and You have Knowledge, while I am without knowledge, and You are the One who
Knows the unseen. O Allah, if you Know that this is good for my worldly life,
and for the Hereafter, then destine it for me and make it easy for me, and put
Blessing in it. And if you Know it to be of bad consequences for me, in my
worldly life, and for the Hereafter, then distance it from me, and distance me
from it. And give me the ability to do that which is beneficial for me, and
keep me pleased with that.